Free Mental Health Resources

Looking to improve your mental health?

Free Mental Health Resources

Whatever you are struggling with, we are here to help. Whether you are looking for a mental health resource for yourself, a family member, or you are mental health professional looking for tools to employ in your practice, check out our selection of self help resources below.

Browse Our Free Mental Health Resources:

Hover over or press on each image to see what free mental health resource it has to offer, and be sure to share if you find them useful

Looking for a 24/7, personable mental health resource?

You can have the ultimate self-help tool with MARCo - the Mental-Health Assisting Robot Companion

Want More?

Beyond the free mental health resources listed here, you can check out our blog to find brand new mental health tips, free mental health resources, mental health tools, and more posted constantly. You can also check out our YouTube page and social media handles for videos, posts, and more that can also help with your mental health.

Where do these free mental health resources come from?

We at MARCo Technologies believe in quality and accessible mental healthcare for all. As part of that mission, we have made an effort to provide free mental health resources and free self help tools to anyone who is looking for them. Some of these have been adapted from the works of famous psychologists into a new digital format. Others have been generated by our team. Others still have been sourced from the most trusted sources in mental healthcare.


If you have any requests for additional free mental health tools that you would like to see added to our page, or if you are curious in learning more, feel free to contact us here.

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Are you finding these free mental health resources useful? Follow us on social to get additional suggestions, resources, mental health tips, self help tools, and more!

DISCLAIMER: This list of free mental health resources is provided as is known at the time of publication. If a service changes phone numbers, email addresses, or websites, these links may prove out of date. We do not claim to keep a comprehensive list of all mental health resources, but we strive to keep up to date as best as possible.

If you run a free external mental health service and want to correct the information here or have your listing posted, or if you have found an out of date link that needs to be fixed, please do not hesitate to contact us at for additional information.

This list of mental health resources is not meant to represent medical advice. Usage of these mental health resources is entirely at your discretion and should only be used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle or in conjunction with regular mental health treatment. Use of the apps provided should not replace mental health treatment and is not intended to replace it. Consult a doctor or licensed mental health professional if you are uncertain on making decision about these free mental health resources.


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Due to a global microchip shortage, this reservation fee will ensure that we can get the parts to make your MARCo without you waiting an extra 6-12 months!

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